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Thursday, 13 September 2012

Install new cars, bikes and guns in GTA Vice City with video demonstration

Posted by Edward
GTA Vice City is nice game. But cars in it are not so special. So here is a trick by which you can add new cars to GTA Vice City.

Things to be used:

  • GTA Vice City
  • New car or any other vehicle setup
  • IMG tool

Download Links:


  1. Open IMG tool.
  2. Click on file and then on open.
  3. Now go to that folder where you installed GTA Vice City.
  4. Now open folder named as models from the main folder of Vice City.
  5. Now click on gta3 and click on open.
  6. Now find name of file that you get from the archive that you downloaded. (As you downloaded setup of infernus form this post and it contains infernus.txd and infernus.dff files). So find infernus.txd and infernus.dff and delete those.
  7. Now click on command and then on add. Now go to that folder where you extracted downloaded files and select both infernus.txd and infernus.dff and click on open.
  8. Your files of new car are added to gta3 file
  9. Now to save files click on command and then click on rebuild archive OR click on file and close (If you chosed rebuild archive then it will take some time).
  10. Now play game with new car
Video demonstration

You can add guns and bikes in same way. Just download their setup and then follow this procedure.

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